Selamat Datang Ke Blog Saya.... : )

This blog is nothing but pieces of what happen to me and may be it happen to you too.Everyone have something to say about something..So do I.We'll just take it and grab it along the path...

Tuesday 31 May 2011

My Pasar Malam(Nite Market Life)...

Percaya atau tidak but Akak sebenarnya Peniaga Pasar Malam,yes!yes!yes!for the past 7 years.Akak tak tahu nak explain why and what.tetapi didalam all the job yang akak pernah buat this is the one yang paling akak suka..eventhough the job is tough,to certain people may be they will look down at people like us,but this is what I do for living and I am loving it until recently after giving birth to the recent one,my husband asked me to give up my Pasar Malam activities because all of us need to follow him to Ankara after this for 2 years.Earlier we had a big fight of me giving up my job.So many issues which finally he managed to convinced me that it's gonna be ok if I just take a rest for just 2 years,bukan lama pun dan akak still can enjoy the income from Pasar Malam when akak sub akak punya Pasar Malam Business to someone for 2 years...but still after we come back I am still looking forward to continue the job,kerana walaupun berniaga Pasar Malam I am proud of myself sebabnya,cash money tu hari-hari masuk,I can meet so many kind of people there daripada yang paling bawah(pemintak sedekah) hingga ke orang yang high class gitu...seronok kerana tidak dibayangi oleh pangkat suami.I can be who I am.I don't have to pretend,itu yang paling penting kan..I want people to look at me just because of me,not because of my husband and sebenarnya akak tak suka sama sekali dikaitkan dgn kerjaya dan pangkat suami akak.

Get ready...baru nak start enjin van and warm up van
Yessss!!!Akak bawan van sendiri la beb mana ada pakai drebar..sendiri bos,sendiri kuli

Bukak Kedai......Penat..tapi happy part of exercise too for me,sarung tangan kena pakai,we don't want terkepit jadi me,akak pernah kena kepit dgn kaki meja you......tak cukup suara keluar and dia punya bisa huhuhu....sakit gila!!!!

Nenek rock yang pernah buat parttime dgn Akak dulu..yang dia pegang tu actually selimut bundle.Hard work but ood money.Not everyone can afford a branded comforter.Akak kat umah pun pakai comforter bundle jeeek!!!

Faces that speaks for itself.kadang kala nengoknya berjam-jam..dari hujung sini ke hujung sana tapi belinya tak...but I am happy jangan takde customer singgah langsung...suwey!!!
Tokey Ayam Goreng-Wak Gombal namanya..depa cakap Gombal dalam bahasa jawanya nya Kain ke tidak I don't know but I am so enjoyed being around these people..they are hardwoking people,work their ass for the family and don't be suprise those yang berniaga pasar malam dgn van buruk,pintu nak tercabut etc etc,you all should intai juga depan umah depa,for jalan2 dan liburan depa pakai keta apa,and rumah depa macam mana..actually orang2 low profile camni sometimes lebih kaya drpd aku...aku biasa-biasa je hehehe!!!!

Tu tengah bertekak tu..biasa la kat Pasar semua nak murahkan..Akak pun sama kalau p kedai orang pun nak murah hehehe..Mulut Akak pun kira boleh tahan la pedas kalau bertekak dgn customer,but kat pasar malam kan kalau tak gaduh dgn customer bukan berniaga pasar malam hehehe..anyway customer selalu memang and at the end of the session kami belum sampai umah dalam van dah kira duit sales for that particular session heheheh!!!!

How I am goin to miss all these when I am in Ankara...Sucks!!!!But what to do,Akak tak boleh menang dalam segala hal,kali ni kena bagi ruang and muka to my husband janjinya 2 tahun sahaja after that I am free again to do I love to do..walaupun dalam hati still not keen to follow him to Ankara.

Tetapi akak bagitau disini..tak semua kerja senang and duit masuk just like that no...that was the good part.Macam akak yang paling teruk akak pernah lalui banjir,hujan dan ribut..kira sambil kemas barang2 sambil menangis la..huhuhu..tapi itu risikonya..not everyday hujan so adalah tidak adil bagi akak untuk mengeluh apabila tiba hujan ribut yang mana pendapatan tu kadangkala sesen pun takdak!!!!ibarat memancing ikan.Dan sebagai seorang islam,akak masih lagi redha dgn ketentuan Allah akan rezeki akak setiap hari,tidak adil kerana apabila cuaca baik dan pendapatan berganda-ganda kita gembira dan apabila pendapatan kurang kita mengeluh tak tentu pasal...

Anyway....I am glad that I manage to sustained with the ups and downs in this life eventhough sometimes I do complaint,crying etc etc..but at the end I am still happy with what I am...Kira kita belasah je...

My Life...This Is Who I Am.

Recently I've accidentally deleted all my post which again today I've to restart every I've written before.What the hell and what I've been doing to my post,ha! ha!...I really need to undergo a serious workshop for blogging.Actually akak tak malu pun to admit what I am not good at,its a fact and there is no point of pretendeng I know everything right?So one again an introduction to the owner of the blog and her loves one in the house.

This me,I would like u all to address me as Kak Pah but my schoolmate used to address me as Sherry and among my family member on my side everyone address me as Ana.

In very human being that have a chance of living a normal life,there will be a man or a woman behind him or her.Like my case my love of my life.I've nothing to say about my husband,I've known him since I am 19th years old and I thinked he knows me better than I known him.I've known him when is at 22 years old and until today I am still looking at him as he is still at 22 years old.

This is my husband,he is an army officer,peolpe love to call him Major..Major Azly but for me his rank never affected me despite its just another called name.For me he is Azly the man I known since he is 22 years old and still he is that same man and no one can never ever change that in my mind.Trust me after 14 years of married life he still cannot change my attitude towards his career,meaning he is in the Army but I am not an Army Officer Wife.I am who I am I don't care about his status,I only care about me and my children and as for my husband he will hang his rank in the office the minute he reached home!!!!!

Along the way,both of us has been blessed with 3 children of our own,enough la...with the last one which at 3 months plus now.With these 2 boys and I girl the house really make me mad and crazy everyday.U know what I mean.
Eldest son Muhamad Aiman 13th years old now

This NurAisyah Azly 4 years old,the only princess in house.

Center of attention for the whole family,the latest edition of me and my husband
Muhamad Aidil Muhamad Azly 3 months old.

What a life,look what it takes me to at 38 years old.Earlier I'd only planned for 1 child only as I am not that good around children,but at the end surviving with this 3 human in my life.There it goes all my social life he he he..Now everything I do,everywhere I go I will always be together with these 3 human that captured my heart and I love them equally.Let just hope it will stay like this forever,no more addition to our life.Cukup la 3 orang...Its not an easy task ok to take care of this 3 kids.